Quieter (# 1832)

28 06 2022

1.I was not able to reach the inner love/light place last night. My mind spent much of the night trying to remember the name of my cousin’s horse of many years ago. She galloped to my rescue and my grabbed the bridle when a “gentle” horse ran away with me hanging on to the saddle for dear life.

2.It turns out that Julian of Norwich was not limiting God to being our mother:

“There I see that God rejoices that He is our Father, God rejoices that He is our Mother, and God rejoices that He is our one true Spouse and that our soul is His beloved wife. And Christ rejoices that He is our brother and Jesus rejoices that He is our Savior.

“There are five high joys as I understand in which He wills that we rejoice, praising Him, thanking Him, loving Him, endlessly blessing Him.”

Julian, Chapter 52

Her wording was suggestive and I did think about the divine in close family members.

3.I have lately been aware of how much we have learned from the many people coming before us, going all the way back to the hunter/gatherers. This includes all the tools we have to do things that would have amazed our earliest fore-bearers. In that sense all these humans were our mothers in a past life in their discovering things for our comfort and creativity.



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