Moments (# 1795)

20 02 2022

Over the past few days, my mindlessness has been arrested in these moments:

Two nights in a row, the moon shining through the blinds and lighting up my face and my pillow.

A phone conversation with a one and a half year old: “Hello” <impassioned speech that was jibberish to me but delivered emphatically> more “Hello”s even after giving up the phone

The snow squall.

The violin solo in Beethoven’s Missa Solemnis.

Getting up and walking to the park in the moments before sunrise. Memories of a letdown when as a child I went with my father occasionally on his milk route when the morning brightened and people began to emerge to start their day and I was tired.

The honest smiles of a very young person.

The first bite of breakfast.

The moment when I stop everything, turn out the light, and turn over just before dreaming begins.



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